Monday 11 January 2021

 Si and Shancai's relationship:

I have chosen to write about Shancai and Si’s relationship during the first four episodes of season 1 of the show, Meteor Garden. I am going to write about their very first interactions with each other and important key moments of their relationship and how their relationship grows.

In the very first episode, it is Shancai’s first day at her new college. The school hallways are crowded of fans of the guest speaker. A popular guy from F4 (popular boy group), Daoming Si, steps on her phone and breaks it. Their first encounter is Shancai confronting Si to get her a new phone and apologise to her: Shancai walks straight up to F4 and recognises Si’s green shoes which was the person who stepped on her phone and broke it. Shancai confronts him in an angry tone and demands him to buy her a new phone. He obviously says no as he does not want to pay for her phone. This first interaction that Si and Shancai have is important as they almost start off on the wrong foot.

Shancai’s friend’s birthday is the next day, Shancai bakes her friends a cake and gives it to her. When the girls are taking pictures, her friend slips, and the cake lands all over Si’s head. Shancai’s friend tries to clean up the cake but he pushes her away and Shancai calls him a jerk. This shows they already dislikes each other from just two interactions. Shancai later receives a joker card. Most people envy F4 so they have set up a rule. They can only challenge them to a game of bridge if they receive a joker card. The loser then faces extreme punishments. This joker card represents that Si dislikes Shancai and wants to challenge her so she can leave him alone.

 In the same episode Shancai goes to deliver food from her mum’s takeaway restaurant, to an old warehouse. Si was the one who placed the order on purpose knowing it was Shancai’s family business as a revenge for the cake incident. She calls him names as he makes fun of her and the food. Then he throws a box of food at her. Shancai runs and cries home. He is almost beginning to bully Shancai.

The next day at school, Shancai sees Si, goes up to him and does a flying kick and knocks him out and throws the joker card at him, symbolising she isn’t going to play his games and she isn’t afraid of him.

In episode 2 Shancai gets invited to Si’s mansion. She gets a makeover and she is very confused why invited. Unromantically Si asks Shancai to be his girlfriend. He says she’ll be able to sit with him at lunch time and allowed to stand one metre behind him. She doesn’t know what all his stupidity is about and she throws her heel at him. Usually every girl wants to be with Si but Shancai doesn’t, so this is why Si is so asks her to be his girlfriend because he thinks he can get any girl fall in love with him.

  Shancai’s other friend, Chen Qinghe receives a joker card. HE receives a card because Si is jealous of him spending so much time with Shancai. Shancai goes to Si confronting him to stop annoying her and her friends. She gets bullied by Si as she accidentally trips and he makes fun of her and mocking her. He wants her to like him but yet he makes her feel bad.

Episode 3: Si is guilty for making fun of Shancai. Si then goes to apologise to her in person to her house. He acts all mannerly and polite infront of Shancai’s parents. He then becomes all caring for Shancai and checks her forehead if she still has a fever. This is the first time we see Si’s soft side especially towards Shancai. Shnacai is surprised with his gentle caring side as he usually isn’t like this.

Everyone is at a night party on the beach where students prepared where anyone could kiss eachother in the dark. It seemed like Si and Shancai didn’t want to kiss anyone. Someone accidentally bumps into Shancai and she falls on top of Si and they kiss accidentally infront of everyone. This is such a huge moment in this season as everyone notices them kissing. There is a photograph sent around to the whole school of their kiss. Everyone makes it a big deal as Si and Shancai dislike eachother. But everyone now thinks Shancai likes him.

In episode four, one of Shancai’s classmates takes a video of her wiping Lei’s hair to take out the chalkdust, and she shows it to Si. Si rushes to the rooftop. Shancai is also at the rooftop getting her notebook which she left there. Si starts getting angressive at Shancai, verbally and physically; by cornering her to a wall, pushing her against it, he then holds her arm to the wall so she is restrained and can’t move. He starts shouting and giving out to her right in her face. Shancai is asking her to stop and let her go. He punches the hard wall and his fists start to bleed and some on Shancai’s coat. Shancai pushes him and takes her chance and tries to run away. When she’s running she trips and falls. Si then comes after her. Shancai tries to slowly crawl backwards away for him. Si quickly grabs her collar and lifts her up and  shoves her against another wall and screams in her face again. In this scene we can see how scared Shancai is from the tears building up in her eyes. Si then tries to kiss her and forces the kiss, Shancai tries to pull away from him. He then forces the kiss again and Shancai slowly goes to the ground where she has her knees to her chest and is so fearful, crying and shaking. Si then realises what he should not have done. Si tries to comfort her and cradle Shancai. But Shancai is so upset and looks so vulnerable.

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Meteor Garden: Music

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